Saturday, January 3, 2015

Review: License to Wed

#137 - License to Wed

License to Wed is a romantic comedy that challenges the idea of being ready for marriage. Sadie and Ben are the perfect couple. When Ben pops the question at Sadie's parents' 30th anniversary gathering, it's like something out of a fairy-tale. That is, until Sadie insists on getting married at her family's church, and Reverend Frank steps into the picture. Reverend Frank forces the couple to take his marriage preparation course to prove that they are indeed ready to take a walk down the aisle. The course is something that Sadie and Ben were not prepared for - challenging everything that they thought they knew about each other. It ultimately splits them apart, making them rethink the path they have chosen. In the end, Reverend Frank's course opens their eyes to how much they love one another, and that the most important thing in the world to Sadie and Ben is each other.

This movie is a diamond in the rough. Let me tell you. There are not many people I know who have seen this film, and boy are they missing out. It's absolutely hilarious. I can honestly say that I think it's one of Robin Williams' best comedic performances. Add in a giant heap of adorably awkward John Krasinski and super sweet Mandy Moore, and you have yourself a great movie.

I think one of my favorite aspects of the story is when Reverend Frank forces Sadie and Ben into a parenting class. He gives them the two most ridiculously disgusting living dolls to take care of, and it couldn't be anymore disastrous. Ben ends up smacking one of the babies' heads on a glass case in a department store, resulting in the head popping's perfect. I don't have any kids, but I'm a teacher, and I've watched my nieces and nephews before, and for an adult being thrown into a situation like that for the first time, it can be completely overwhelming. All you want is for that crying baby to shut up, so when Ben shakes it and slam dunks it into the case, it's crying from laughter-worthy. Nothing shows how fed-up Ben is with Reverend Frank's marriage course more than the scene in Macy's with the babies.

Now, the film is not all laughs and fun. Sadie and Ben's marriage gets really rocky, and Sadie calls off the wedding. This is the problem I have with the story. If Sadie is perfect for Ben, then wouldn't she also see how ridiculous Reverend Frank's course is? She goes along with it all the entire time. She actually thinks it is helping their relationship. If my husband and I had to go through this course, we would've said "peace out" within the first few days and went to Jamaica to get married immediately...instead of enduring three weeks of excruciating agony and then eventually ending up in Jamaica. That Reverend is a crackpot, and if Sadie really was Ben's soul mate, she would've recognized that too. Not that Sadie and Ben aren't adorable together - I mean, look at how Ben finally reveals his vows to her...


But no one in their right mind would take that course seriously. I also don't like how the Reverend has them do all of these crazy things, and the ONLY person sane enough to question it is Ben. I guess that just shows how blind the Christian faith can be sometimes. They don't question their religious figures. Ben and Sadie go into one of their first meetings saying that they have never had a fight, and the Reverend says that's ridiculous. He then proceeds to make them fight about something insignificant, and it begins to tear them apart. WHY IS NO ONE QUESTIONING THIS? I know, I know. It's a movie, and yes, it makes for some hilarious scenes; however, if this was real-life, that crazy old man would be pulled out of that church pronto. Just sayin'. 

Overall, I really love this movie. If you have not seen it, I apologize for ruining it all, but you still need to watch it. I can't do the comedy justice by just writing about it - you have to watch it for yourself. I promise, you will not regret watching it.

I give License to Wed 4 out of 5 stars.

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